C-Type Lectins
Report and protein sequences
C-Type Lectins(CTLs) are calcium dependent extracellular proteins involved in recognition of glycans. A total of 10 models were found and annotated. Refer to C-type lectin gene report for further details. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
Relish-like Proteins
Report and protein sequences
Relish-like proteins are transcription factors and are inlvolved in Imd pathway. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
Galactoside-Binding Lectins
Report and protein sequences
Galactoside-Binding Lectins (GALEs) or galectins bind to beta-galactoside sugars. GALEs are implicated in innate immunity as they might be involved in microbial recognition and/or phagocytosis. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
Fibrinogen-Related Proteins annotation
Report and protein sequences
Fibrinogen-Related Proteins (FREPs) are implicated in bacteria binding, enhancement of antimicrobial activity and interaction with parasite. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
TEPs annotation
Report and protein sequences
Thio-Ester containing proteins (TEPs) are involved in pathogen recognition and activation of immune responses. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
PGRP annotation
Peptidoglycan Recognition proteins are pattern recognition molecules conserved from insects to mammals and recognize bacteria and their unique cell wall component, peptidoglycan (PGN). The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions.
CLIP-Domain Serine Proteases
CLIP-Domain Serine Proteases (CLIPs) are large protein family unique to arthropods. CLIP proteases are activated after infection and function in extracellular pathways for proteolytic activation of downstream proteins. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
Inhibitors of Apoptosis
Inhibitors of Apoptosis (IAP) protein family binds to caspases which are involved in apoptotic cell death program. IAPs are also been shown to be down-regulated in cancer cells leading to tumor formation. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
Catalases genes annotation
Catalases (CATs) are involved in the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions.
Autophagy genes annotation
Autophagy genes (Atg) are involved in the formation of autophagosome leading to degradation of internalized pathogens. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions.
Prophenoloxidase are involved in innade defense system which play major role in melanization. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
Peroxidases produce local reactive oxygen species as a immune response. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
MD2-Like Receptors
MD2-Like Receptors (MLs) are extracellular proteins involved in signal transduction pathways by lipid recognition. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions for annotation.
CASPAs annotation
Caspase Activators include ARK (Apaf-1 Related Killer) and IAP (Inhibitor of Apoptosis) antagonists. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions.
SRRP annotation
Small Regulatory RNA pathway members are important in many cellular processes as well as in immune defence. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions.
CASPs annotation
Caspases are proteolytic enzymes that cleave aspartic acid of target proteins. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets and instructions.
AMP annotation
Genes producing anti-microbial peptides are a critical part of the immune system of the psyllid. The Basecamp page and FTP site contain the data sets for annotating AMPs.
MCOT track added to WebApollo
This track contains tblastn matches to the genome for MCOT proteins. MCOT combines gene predictions from Maker, Cufflinks, Oasis and Trinity. It also includes the uniprot annotation if available.
RNAseq evidence tracks added to WebApollo
Evidence tracks for RNAseq reads from egg, nymph and adult tissue were added to WebApollo to assist in annotation.
Basecamp site is now available
The project basecamp site is now available. We will use this to coordinate all research activities for the project.