New Pacbio assembly available for Diaphorina citri (v1.9)
We are releasing a interim Pacbio assembly (Diaci v1.9) for the ACP genome that is a major improvement over the current genome (Diaci v1.1). Diaci v1.9 has 8,352 contigs compared to 161,988 contigs in the current genome assembly. It has a contig N50 of 115.8kb and does not contain any Ns. You can download the genome at our FTP site. Please note that this is an interim assembly so we will not be annotating it but you can blast DNA and protein sequences to it. [Nov 16, 2016]
New pathway databases added for Drosophila melanogaster and Wolbachia
BioCyc's for Drosophila melanogaster and Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila melanogaster are now available on CitrusgreeningCyc. [May 18, 2016]
Diaphorina citri pathway database added
DiaphorinaCyc 1.0 was created with NCBI Gnomon gene models and added to the site. The PGDB contains 12543 genes and 185 pathways with 1524 enzymatic reactions. [May 8, 2016]
New pathway databases added
We have created new pathway databases for all the Candidatus Liberibacter genomes. You can find databases for CLas psy62, CLas gxpsy, CLas Ishi-1, CLam Sao Paulo, CLso ZC1 and CLcresens. [Apr 27, 2016]
DNA coverage tracks added to Psyllid JBrowse
We have added tracks showing coverage of whole genome shotgun contigs from paired-end DNAseq data to the Diaphorina citri jbrowse. [Apr 04, 2016]
New tracks to Psyllid JBrowse
We have added quantitative tracks for all RNAseq data available for Diaphorina citri jbrowse. Now along with mapped RNAseq reads, gene expression data can also be visualized using density and XY plot. RNAseq data from Vyas et. al. 2015 has also been added to Jbrowse. [Feb 15, 2016]
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus strain psy62 genome page added
We have added the genome page for Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus strain psy62 with links to the JBrowse page and other resources. [Nov 29, 2015]
New JBrowse pages
JBrowse pages have been added for Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus psy62, Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus gxpsy, Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus UF506 (phage), Ca. Liberibacter americanus Sao Paulo and Ca. Liberibacter solanacearum CLso-ZC1. [Nov 15, 2015]
Updated Links page
We have reorganized and added new websites to the CitrusGreening Links page [Oct 30, 2015]
Disease and Annotation sections added
We have added sections with information about the CitrusGreening disease and the psyllid genome annotation process. [Sep 14, 2015]
Revamped CitrusGreening portal
The CitrusGreening portal has been upgraded using the Bootstrap framework to make it responsive on any browsing platform. Please send us your feedback. [Sep 4, 2015]
Blast databases for LAS, LSO, LAM and Gxpsy added
New blast databases have been added for Liberibacter species. [Aug 25, 2015]
D citri genome page added
New genome page has been added for Diaphorina citri . [Aug 10, 2015]
New Genome pages added
New genome pages have been added for Citrus clementina and Citrus sinensis. [July 22, 2015]
New Blast databases added
New blast databases have been added for Citrus and Psyllid. [July 17, 2015]
Basecamp site is now available
The project basecamp site is now available. We will use this to coordinate meetings and activities for the project. [April 22, 2015] is now live! is now online. Please check back for updates. [April 03, 2015]