SGN help

The Sol Genomics Network (SGN) is a database and website dedicated to the genomic information of the nightshade family, which includes species such as tomato, potato, pepper, petunia and eggplant.

Citing SGN

If SGN is useful in your research, please cite SGN in your publications using the following reference:

Fernandez-Pozo N, Menda N, Edwards JD, Saha S, Tecle IY, Strickler SR, Bombarely A, Fisher-York T, Pujar A, Foerster H, Yan A, Mueller LA. The Sol Genomics Network (SGN)—from genotype to phenotype to breeding. (2015) Nucleic Acids Res. Volume 43 (Database issue):D1036-41. PubMed.

See more SGN publications

Help files for specific SGN components:

General Help Topics

Software requirements

The SGN website is designed to work with most common browsers. No additional software is required. The SGN webpages use the XHTML 1.0 and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) standards from the W3 consortium. Certain documents can be downloaded in the PDF format.

We test the pages in Firefox 2.0, Safari 2.0 and Microsoft Explorer 7. Please note that Netscape 4.x browsers are explicitly not supported due to a lack of style sheet support. We recommend the latest version of Firefox, which is available free of charge for all common platforms from the Mozilla project ( Please let us know if you experience problems with other browsers.

Browser settings
Please refer to your browser\'s manual or help pages to enable the following settings:
  • JavaScript has to be activated for the drop down menus to work properly.
  • Cookies have to be enabled for the log in functions to work.
SGN update cycle

The SGN codebase and database are updated weekly, every Wednesday morning. During the updates, for a short period of time, some links may not work properly. Please notify us if these conditions persist.

Getting more information
Submitting information to SGN:
SGN has community annotation tools are available for locus, allele, insitu experiments and images.
The related information can be added, updated and deleted by registered SGN users that have specially designated submitter accounts. In addition, for certain database records, only a designated editor may change the information.
Submitters are always accredited on each information page related to theur work (image, experiment, locus, phenotype, etc.) and are the sole owners of the data.
Contact us if you would like to use the community annotation tools and become a submitter or editor.